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Foundations of Mindfulness May 2020 (COMPLETE)

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Live & Interactive, you will be guided through a range of different meditation techniques and skills.

4 sessions over 2 weeks beginning 25th May 2020.

Monday & Wednesday | 6.30 - 7.30 PM

25.05 | 27.05 | 01.06 | 03.06

Bookings Essential!

Course Outline

Gain a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of mindfulness and tools that will guide you towards the development and enhancement of your practice from beginner to advanced.

Each week we will cover one of the four foundations of mindfulness commonly taught within the Buddhist tradition and delivered within a framework of modern psychological an neuroscience advancements. You will not only learn how to meditate, you will learn why it is an essential skill in building greater emotional resilience and wellbeing.

We have reduced the cost of the workshop during the COVID-19 period

Cost - $250

The workshop will be run as a webinar over ZOOM. You will require a computer with webcam capabilities and a stable internet connection.

Class Schedule:

Tuesday 31 March - Mindfulness of Body

Tuesday 7 March - Mindfulness of Feelings

Tuesday 14 March - Mindfulness of Thoughts

Tuesday 21 March - Mindfulness of Dhamma (Living Mindfully)