Online therapy or telehealth services are increasing at a very fast rate as the reality of modern life means that it is very difficult to find time to commit to weekly appointments.
Dr. Maria-Elena Lukeides is an online psychologist who offers professional, expert online therapy via Skype and Facetime sessions for people who are unable to attend sessions due to work or family commitments or who live in rural and isolated areas. These sessions may suit anyone who has an unpredictable and heavy workload or family and personal commitments that impact availability for regular face to face appointments.
Most studies that have evaluated the effectiveness of online psychological treatment have found it to be as effective as face to face sessions. Online therapy sessions can be organised before and after business hours or during work breaks.
How does it work?
It is preferable that an initial face to face session is organised so that you can get to know your therapist and establish rapport. An initial meeting will be organised, and a few short screening measures will be completed to ensure that online therapy is right for you.
Hourly or half hourly appointments will be scheduled at times convenient to you and the psychologist.
It is important that you have a stable internet connection and a device that supports Facetime or Skype software and applications.
Payments and Fees
Payments can be made via Paypal or direct bank transfer. An invoice will be provided for each session.