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Life and Wellness Coach

Have you been considering working with a life and wellness coach?

Why work with Dr. Maria-Elena Lukeides? Would you like to learn how to create happiness, follow your dreams, reach your goals and let go of your fears! Have you been searching for a way or an “A-Ha” moment that will unleash you from feeling stuck? How many times have you been on top, glimpsed it or were on your way only to find yourself slipping backwards?

Perhaps it’s been so long since you’ve felt empowered, happy and vital that you’ve resigned yourself to the way things are and are cynical and doubtful of anything ever changing. You may be struggling with depression and anxiety, acts of self-sabotage, grief, living in a difficult situation or just experiencing a sense of dissatisfaction with the way life is (even if everything on the outside seems to be great!)

There is a way to move towards a life of empowerment, meaning and vitality. There is an abundance of new research and science showing that there are key ways that you can learn to overcome the blocks in your life. Mindfulness and compassion are at the heart of peaceful, balanced and joyous living. Mindfulness skills are key to opening up to the experience of all emotions (pleasant or unpleasant) with the confidence that these experiences will not overwhelm or derail you. Free from the tyranny of constantly abating or controlling such experiences, you are free to focus your energy on being the person you’ve always wanted to be. Compassion for ourselves and others forms the basis of true happiness. It can bring profound healing to our own deepest feelings of shame, inadequacy, pain and our constant and persistent striving to be perfect (good-enough) or our despair and fear that we will never quite be lovable. Compassion for others gives renewed purpose and objectivity and brings us closer to loved ones and to the world around us.

This may sound airy fairy but recent research published in Scientific American found that those who described themselves as gaining joy from purposeful, meaning-based activities had differences in gene-expressions that led to greater physical health and immune responses compared with those who described a predominantly hedonic or material pursuits.

There has been an explosion of interest behind the psychology of goal driven behaviour, happiness and positivity. Even those of us who are relatively happy and content can often find ourselves being held back by niggling fear, anxiety, a lack of self-confidence, low motivation, and PROCRASTINATION. Even if we manage to get started, it is difficult to find the stamina and the motivation to keep going. If I only had a dollar for every time I heard someone tell me they wished they had “more will power”.

The power to will yourself towards valued goals and to commit to stay the course during difficulties is perhaps the one thing that you need to master in order to have a valued, enriched and happy life.

A number of factors can stop you from reaching your potential. Whether you finally want to go for that promotion, get fitter, eat better, leave unhealthy relationships, find a new job, travel, act, sing, dance, finish your novel, Maria-Elena can help you turn the key to unlock your potential.


Are you looking for a wellness and life coach?

Get in touch with Dr. Maria-Elena now